
Events that have shaped our history.

The best stories often begin by chance. And this one is no exception.
Often, however, it takes strength and determination for them to work. And once again, our story is no exception.
And this, a little by chance, a little out of strength and determination, is how Triumph was born in 1986, or rather, the concept behind Triumph.

It starts with planning the Socialist International congress and the European Athletics Championships and with the establishment of a committee in support of the Centro Nazionale Trapianti’s activities. This brings about a series of meetings, relations and experiences, leading up to the very first event signed by Triumph S.r.l. in its name, in 1991. The Congress on liver transplant at the Hilton marks the official opening of our first, historic headquarters in Rome. The following years are full of Ministerial events and Congresses and Triumph opens its Milan branch in 1997. But it’s the year 2000, the year of the Youth Jubilee, of Sinopoli’s concert in Terme di Caracalla and of the World Transplant Congress, that represents a turning point for Triumph, thus becoming well-established on an international level. The next milestones are the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, and our expansion with our branches in Brussels, Belgium, (2002) and China (2004). Always willing to get involved and take up each new challenge with its passion and expertise, Triumph tackles the 2008 Olympics, the Shanghai Expo, the G8 in L’Aquila and the opening of a new branch in London. The establishment of our premises in Singapore and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, are proof that this story knows no boundaries. And keeps pushing further.